Thanks for your advice, I fully agree with u boss but I'm new with Palm OS.

I'm doing R & D on that, I know how it works. But the funda is how to save
the screen to the bmp format ?? i.e how to extract image information from
the window ?? If u could help me out then I would be thankful to u,
otherwise do ignore the request.

Still not angry ;-)


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
Sent: Monday, March 25, 2002 4:23 PM
To: Palm Developer Forum
Subject: Re: Signature Capturing

On Mon, 25 Mar 2002, Shoeb wrote:
> I'm developing an application where in signature has to be collected on
> palm device. The captured signature would be synchronized with the desktop
> application. Can anyone guide me on how to go about it ?
> Any links or sample code would be really appreciated. (I already have
> Signature and Signature++, application, which does not work for Palm OS
> and above).

  man.. its time like this where i wonder if people have anything "up there"
  if you have the signature and signature++ code, understand it.. study it
  and, you'll be able to replicate it on newer os versions once you
  how it works internally..

  not everything is given to you on a silver plate - work for it!

// az

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