For what it's worth, I have used

  SysColdBoot(NULL, 0, NULL, 0, 0)

on 3.5.2 devices (and possibly on 3.1; I don't quite remember), and it
worked fine. I didn't do anything special beforehand, either; it just

It never occurred to me to skip the confirmation screen, so I can't help you

Good luck!

 ~ J.

"Ryan Dugan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> The SysColdBoot function is defined in the SystemMgr.c file available as
> part of the OS 4.0 'selected source' downloadable from Palm.
> The function IS implemented, however, the hard reset function in the
> reset vector of Card 0 does not seem to be. (After stepping through the
> SysColdBoot instructions with PalmDebugger, I found it ends up jumping
> to a mem addr containing FFFF.)
> I'd like to use a hard reset as a simple way of cleaning off a device.
> I could do that by other means, but it seems to me that my application
> will always be left on the device as it cannot remove itself, right?
> Anyway, is there any other way to do a hard reset programmatically if
> SysColdBoot isn't going to cut it?
>   --ryan

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