
As what Paul Gibson said, I suggest:

   TimSecondsToDateTime (TimGetSeconds (), &dateTime);
   todayInt = ( ((Int32) dateTime.year-1904) << 16) +
              ( ((Int32) dateTime.month) << 8) +
              ((Int32) dateTime.day);

   // do you have the right number of records in the DB? if not sure, then
   // umRecordsNeu = DmNumRecords(gVeranstaltungNeuDB);

   // start from the last record because after we delete 
   // a record, the record num will be changed
   // I use DmRemoveRecord(), so I am not sure if 
   // you use DmDeleteRecord() the record num get changed or not
   for (recordNeuNum = umRecordsNeu - 1; recordNeuNum >= 0; recordNeuNum --)
      // why do you need to seek the record when you look for record in "All" category
      //&recordNeuIndex, 0, dmSeekForward, dmAllCategories);
      //recordH  = DmQueryRecord (gVeranstaltungNeuDB, recordNeuIndex);
      recordH = DmGetRecord(gVeranstaltungNeuDB, recordNeuNum);

      if (!recordH)
         FrmCustomAlert(MyAlert, "Problem beim Auslesen der neuen DB!","", "");
         err = DmGetLastErr();
         pointer_auf_neue_v = (Veranstaltung_neu *)MemHandleLock(recordH);
         if (!pointer_auf_neue_v)
            // proper error message ... :-)
            FrmCustomAlert(MyAlert, "Problem with DB!","", "");
            err = DmGetLastErr();
            //if not, then continue ...
            // do you need this?
            //neueVeranstaltung = *pointer_auf_neue_v;

            //  ### Position 1 for #######   MemHandleUnlock(recordH);
            // can't unlock here because if you unlock, you may not 
            // have the right value in
            // pointer_auf_neue_v

            // delete all old records.
            dateInt =  ( ((Int32) pointer_auf_neue_v->datum_jahr) << 16) +
                       ( ((Int32) pointer_auf_neue_v->datum_monat) << 8) +
                       ((Int32) pointer_auf_neue_v->datum_tag);

            if (todayInt > dateInt)
               err = DmDeleteRecord(gVeranstaltungNeuDB, recordNeuNum);
               deletedOldRecordsNum ++;
            } else {
               // so now, every record is in the future..

               // do some stuff with this record
   } // next in loop

//If you don't need to sort other field of the records, 
//you can sort by date, then you don't have to go thru all the records...
Hope that helps.


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