> I am using MIDP which run on the Palm device.
> I have some problems regarding the RMS on MIDP.

Palm-Java-Forum is a better forum for this, by the way.

> How many total records (or maximum size) that Palm OS can be held?
> Or what is the maximum records or maximum size can be stored on Palm OS?

I don't know exactly how RMS is implemented on Palm, but it's likely that it
uses the underlying Dm API in a straightforward way.  So you should study
the C-language documentation for the Data Manager in detail, and maybe even
use a tool like Insider to inspect exactly what's going on.

> I have read one book state that "On a Palm device, each record
> can be no more than 64K in length because of restrictions imposed
> by the Palm OS."

Good, you are on the right track.  But see the docs and knowledge base for
further details on how it all works.

> So i need to know how many records that i can store on Palm OS
> to prevent some of information is lost.

Short answer: you can create records until you run out of space.  And when
you run out of space, RMS should throw some sort of exception.


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