I am working on a multisegment c++ application using Codewarrior 8.

I would like to make it as difficult as possible for people that are
interested in disassembling my code ( crackers and possibly others ) to find
out what
and where in the code those things are being done.

One example would be if you have a function called HandleUserRegistration()
its exact location and name will show up if you are disassembling the code.

I want it to show something else like: "function_0047" or some other

One obvious solution is to name all functions myself to something like
"function_XXXX" (where XXXX is an index ) in my code, but that wont make it
too easy to develop. ( What the %#& did I call that function that does this
and that again!?? :]  )

So, is there something somewhere in the settings panel for projects in
Codewarrior that I have missed that does something similar to this at
compile time?

Any other suggestions?



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