I want to decrypt variable length strings using EncDES.
I'm trying to:
read 8 characters from string s,
write them to another string eStr,
decrypt eStr,
copy/concatenate the decrypted string dStr to a string tStr
read next characters in s, decrypt, etc
keep doing this till I've read all the characters in s
display tStr in a field

Here is some of the code I'm using and it is blowing up (just wrote to a
memory location in the storage heap) on the TxtSetNextChar function. eStr is
not NULL. TxtGetNextChar sets ch to 255. Is there something simple I'm doing
wrong here or am I using the wrong functions?

while (i < l)
for (j = 1; j < 8 && i < l; j++)
k = TxtGetNextChar(s, i, &ch);
k = TxtSetNextChar (eStr, j, &ch);

err = EncDES(eStr, deskey, dStr, false);

if (i < 8) StrCopy (tStr, dStr);
else StrCat (tStr, dStr);

John McDowell

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