Sorry for my last email, wrong key stroke :((

>MyApp (2.0) called SysFatalAlert with the message:
>"Form.c, Line:1762, Object #3401 in form #3600 is
I use Contructor to generate the UI of the program and if the form is XY00 then every 
object in
the form will be XY??. So, for me, I think that object #3401 is not in the form #3600. 
Please tell
me that I am wrong.

Sometimes, I have the error message "Object #2024 in form #2000 is missing" and when I 
check the
src.h file, it is in there. So I just close everything and reopen again and it works.
Other time, I set a breakpoint and see what the active form is, it may be an alert 
form or a menu
form, etc...

Please post the solution when you have it fixed. Thank you so much.


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