-----Message d'origine-----
     [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]De la part de Ben
     Envoyé : mardi 10 décembre 2002 19:05
     À : Palm Developer Forum
     Objet : RE: Project building error

     At 18:36 2002-12-10 +0100, you wrote:
     >Thanks Ben, you've solved my first problem. It's a bit tricky ;)
     >Concerning my second problem, in fact, Tools.cpp has it's own header,
     >Tools.h, which contains
     >all functions prototyping. But if I include the header,
     Tools.h, in Main.cpp
     >and build the project
     >here's one of the error messages I get :
     >Main.mcp, Target: Release
     >Link Error   : Main.cpp: 'GetNbGPSMessages()' referenced from
     >'AppEventLoop()' is undefined.
     >The fact that Tools.h and Tools.cpp are found in a different directory
     >(common directory shared
     >with other projects), can it be the problem. There's no
     Tools.mcp in that
     >directory, only Tools.h
     >and Tools.cpp. During the project building, Tools.cpp is
     compiled without
     >In the project windows :
     >         Main.mcp -> Source folder : Tools.cpp, MathLib.c, Main.cpp

     OK.  Do you have the "Require Function Prototypes" switch
     turned on in your
     C/C++ Language pref panel?  I think that your main.cpp code
     isn't seeing a
     prototype for GetNbGPSMessages, so its assuming that its a
     plain function
     (hence the error message that didn't have function type or argument

Yes, the switch option is set. I've also tried by desactiving this option
I got the same error message.


Agus Silas
BST Technologies
T. (+33) 5 57 80 16 03
F. (+33) 5 57 77 29 97
44° 52' 55.70 N - 0° 31' 54.19 W

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