
I *learned from example* using the Scrollbar routines from the PalmOS4
source code, and implemented a SclHandleEvent for my own custom scrollbar
control.  [This is for a Satellite Forms extension.]  This has worked great
under previous PalmOS versions, but now that a version of SatForms that
supports PalmOS 5 is finally available, I find that the code doesn't quite
work on the OS5 Simulator.

Specifically, when I monitor the event queue (nice feature in PalmSim!), I
find that when I tap on the scrollbar, the expected sclEnterEvent is not
generated, but a nilEvent is queued instead.  Thus, the scrollbar doesn't
act on the pen taps.

Strangely, if I use a status display function to show me what the eventtype
of my new event is, it is indeed a sclEnterEvent as expected.  But, the
PalmSim event monitor shows (and the OS sees) only a nilEvent.

Here's the snippet of code I am using in the SclHandleEvent:

 if (event->eType == penDownEvent)
  if (RctPtInRectangle (event->screenX, event->screenY, &bar->bounds))
//   newEvent = *event;
   MemSet (&newEvent, sizeof(EventType), 0);
   newEvent.eType = sclEnterEvent; = bar->id; = bar;
   EvtAddEventToQueue (&newEvent);
   handled = true ;

   MyShowStatus("sclEvt type:", newEvent.eType);


Can anyone suggest why this sclEnterEvent is being turned into a nilEvent in
the queue, and better yet what I can do to work around the problem?

David Thacker

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