On Thu, 05 Jun 2003 14:17:50 +0200, Rodolphe Bréjaude wrote:

> Hello,
> I have trouble reparting my different sources .cpp into the 4 segments.
> What are the maximal size of each segment?
> Is there any rules to respect?
> I succeed the repartition, the exection is good on my Palm, but when I 
> reboot the Palm, it is blocked on the PALM screen and only
> a HardReset can solve the problem
> Any idea of wht are the problems?
> Regards
> Rodolphe

during the reset your app is launched with a sysAppLaunchCmdSystemReset
launchcode . I guess you are (maybe
accidently) accessing global data or try to execute code which is not
in the first segment. Only the first segment is loaded and available in
this situation.
make sure your pilotmain function,runtime libs and other code
which might run during a reset (or global find, or other launchcodes where
you don't have globals) are in the first segment.

Best regards,


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