On Fri, 06 Jun 2003 15:52:46 -0500, Matt Andreko wrote:

> ok, i've seen my mistakes there, and the application is running fine, no
> crashes.
> However, do you see any reason why in my data, there would be random letters
> placed there?  i'm looking at the data when i'm pulling it off into a text
> file (this program is known to work already), and when reading it right off
> the palm using SyncWizard it has a 'p' and a 'DA' in it.
> The program that pulls it out has it come like:
> 123456789           987654321      p    147258369         DA
> any ideas?

Hi Matt,

I don't know how you read out the data, consider the following
from your code:

typedef struct {
 char Department[20];
 char Operator[20];
 char RXNumber[20];
} DBRecord;
DBRecordType r; 
 // fill the record with data
    StrCopy(r.Department, "123456");
    StrCopy(r.Operator, "987654321");
    StrCopy(r.RXNumber, "147258369");

you then write this structure out to the record.

The data you write will look like this:

123456\0 followed by 13 bytes of unknown content
987654321\0 followed by 10 bytes of unknown content
147258369\0 followed by 10 bytes of unknown content"

My point here is that the structure you allocate is 20 bytes for each
item. You fill out the structure, but there are still unused spaces ( e.g.
"1234567" only uses up 7 bytes of the 20 bytes allocation)
Also you don't zero out the structure after creating it, so there will be
random data in it. 
so when you read in the data,you probably see the random data after your

I hope that helps,


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