> >Why does TxtGlueCharIsPrint( vchrNavChange ) == true when it should be
> >false?
> I think you need to filter your processing to throw out any keys with the
> command flag set before you try to process them as printable or not.  No
> printing character will ever have that set, AFAIK.

Hi Ben,

I did implement a workaround, but the point of my post was to point this out
as a bug in the TxtGlueCharIsPrint/TxtGlueCharIsGraph functions.  These
functions have no trouble returning false for other virtual keys such as
vchrClock & vchrPopupBrightness, and only seem to be problematic on the
vchrNavChange key.

I could do:

if ( ( pEvent->eType == keyDownEvent ) &&
     ( !TxtGlueCharIsVirtual( pEvent->data.keyDown.modifiers,
pEvent->data.keyDown.chr ) )
    if ( TxtGlueCharIsPrint( pEvent->data.keyDown.chr ) )
        do my thing
    // else let system have it

but I shouldn't have to use this extra function if TxtGlueCharIsPrint worked

[BTW, the command modifier bit was not set for virtual keys until OS3.1,
according to the Palm OS Reference, but TxtGlueCharIsVirtual handles this
for OS3.0 as well.]

David Thacker

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