Aaron Ardiri escreveu:
adding support for other platforms? (ie: non palm/pocket pc). have you
looked at doing native ARM version?

Hehehe, my applications doesn't need THAT kinda speed right now... :)
I'm still the burocratic enterprise-developer-who-uses-many-database-issues-and-has-to-develop-easy-t o-maintain-source-code. :)

Although I think the best programmers are in the games sector... :)

also depends what your DAL provides. graphics primitives? ui layer?
loads of things you need to have in order to have a complete DAL :(

Headache stuff. But we can't live without they, can we ?? :) (well, we can, the users can't... hehehe)

of course. C can be nasty too *g*

heheheh... I was trying not to say that, but as you mentioned.... :)

Cheers !!

-- J. Machado

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