i'm trying to launch my pqa file from a aplaication
but i'm getting a erro code when using SysAppLaunch in the function below

the erro is sysErrParamErr

whats wrong?

thnx a lot

Err MostraClip (char *pqa) { Err err; DmSearchStateType searchState; //parametrosP; UInt32 *resultP; UInt16 cardNo; UInt16 flags = 0; LocalID dbID; SysAppLaunchCmdOpenDBType *parametros;

dbID = DmFindDatabase(0,pqa);

parametros->cardNo = 0; parametros->dbID = dbID;

err = SysAppLaunch(0,dbID,flags,sysAppLaunchCmdOpenDB,parametros ,resultP);
return err; // ErrNone (0) means no error

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