No help here, but I can confirm a similar problem. I have a little 4 port
hub and I'd dearly love to be able to selectively talk to either of my 2
palms or 2 pocketpcs at will, ideally without continually pulling
cables/wearing out the connectors/occasionally needing to reboot to
recognise them etc.

Ah well, maybe in the 22nd century......

Paul Johnson
Applewood House

----- Original Message -----
From: "apple k" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, July 25, 2003 8:53 AM
Subject: Multiple sync using USB fail

> Hi,
> I understand that only one synchronization can be
> occurred for a palm. I have used the serial
> quad-cradle
> with 4 palms synchronization, it runs ok where the
> synchronization takes places after one another if I
> trigger the Palm Hotsync at the same time WITHOUT
> waiting the completion of the first or second or
> whichever.
> However, it fails if using the USB hub in the sense
> that i couldn't trigger the Palm HotSync at the same
> time. I have to wait the completion of the first palm
> sync before triggering the second Palm Hotsync. The
> error given me on the dekstop (Win2k) is " System
> Setting Change" as I need to reboot the system. This
> may be the other unknown USB detected(where the second
> Palm Hotsync triggered) and cause me this error.
> Do you have any idea of this? Any comments are very
> much welcome. Thank you !
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