btw, this isn't what I meant by column selection (rectangular cut n paste)

Paul Johnson
Applewood House

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ben Combee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:41 PM
Subject: Re: Newbie Question - Using Visual Studio??

> At 12:32 PM 7/31/2003, Paul Johnson wrote:
> >I'm a fan of CW personally, and it has a lot very neat features that make
> >DevStudio look like a dinosaur. *But*, the editor gets a "D-" imo, mainly
> >due to its lack of pc-ness. It doesn't have Brief emulation, the syntax
> >colouring and keyboard configuration isn't exhaustive enough and no
> >source windows is inexcuseable. A fair attempt has been made at the
> >using MDI but then I can't spread all my non source windows onto my
> >monitor. Nor can I keep a fixed size pane of source on my primary if it
> >isn't docked. (Look at GetWindowLong()) Fix these issues (mainly the
> >stuff) and I'd even consider CW over DevStudio for PC work. At the moment
> >its soooo obviously still a Mac port.
> Thanks for the comments... I agree that docking source windows would be
> really great addition, and I know this is on out interface roadmap.  I'd
> also like to see docking work outside of the MDI context, but it's
> implemented in a way that depends on the parent window being there right
> In a way you can do docked source windows in MDI mode with IDE 5 (CW for
> Palm OS V9).  Just right click on the window title, make the source window
> a floating window, then dock it to the side of the IDE's MDI
> window.  Repeat as often as needed and position them on top of each other
> so that they occupy the same space and have tabs to pick them apart.  I've
> done this to have a number of header files easily available while editing
> my main file in MDI maximized mode.
> Please file a bug report on the size retention problem -- this may have
> already been fixed for the IDE we're including in 9.2, but it would be
> to have it logged here.
> --
> Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CodeWarrior for Palm OS technical lead
> Palm OS programming help @
> --
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