You are unlocking, but not freeing your memory handle. Lookup MemHandleFree in the reference.

At 06:32 05/08/2003 -0700, you wrote:

Here is a subroutine that does a frequently-wanted thing: it retrieves
the hotsync name. It also leaks "maxsize" bytes every time you call it.

I thought I had goofed by not Unlocking something, but I have matching
MemHandleLock/MemHandleUnlock.  what gives?


David M

/* parameter returns HotSync name */
static void Get_PDAName( Char *pda, UInt16 maxsize ){
        MemHandle nameH;
        Char *nameP = NULL;

        nameH = MemHandleNew(dlkMaxUserNameLength + 1);
        nameP = MemHandleLock(nameH);
        StrCopy(nameP, "");
        DlkGetSyncInfo(NULL, NULL, NULL, nameP, NULL, NULL);
        StrNCopy( pda, nameP, maxsize - 1 );

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