
Thank you for the advice.  I am having a real hard time dealing with
Memhandles and char*s.  Been awhile since i'm done C programming and never
played on a palm before.  Anyway, you have cleared things up quite a bit
with your advice, however, I am still not getting the list to load.

I have modified to the code to your suggestions as follows:
(maybe I misread the ... but who knows)

static char* gPlateString =
static char** gListString;
MemHandle gStringH;

static Boolean PopulateList(void)
 FormType* frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
 ListType* lstP = (ListType*) FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, lstDesc);

 gStringH = SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(gPlateString, 6);
 gListString = (char**)MemHandleLock(gStringH);

 LstSetListChoices(lstP, gListString, 6);


 return true;

Also I hate to be too much of a bother, if you have any links to some good
reading on the subject that might help me out as well.



"Dave Carrigan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> On Thu, Aug 07, 2003 at 11:46:16PM -0700, Steve K wrote:
> > I have read many a posts on this question, however, none seem to be
> > for me.  I have attempted to simplify this with no results.  I am no
> > getting fatal exceptions, however nothing is happening.
> >
> > What is the key ingredient i'm missing here?
> > static char* gPlateString =
> > "PL3/16x\0PL1/4x\0PL5/16x\0PL3/8x\0PL1/2x\0PL5/8x\0";
> > static char** gListString;
> >
> > static Boolean PopulateList(void)
> > {
> >  FormType* frmP = FrmGetActiveForm();
> >  ListType* lstP = (ListType*) FrmGetObjectPtr(frmP, lstDesc);
> >
> >  gListString = (char**) MemPtrNew(StrLen(gPlateString));
> This will create an array of 7 pointers. Why are you doing this, and
> what information do you think that StrLen is telling you here?
> >  gListString = (char**) SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(gPlateString, 6);
> SysFormPointerArrayToStrings returns a MemHandle, not a char**
> pointer. Coercing a MemHandle to a char** doesn't make it one.
> Second, you've now lost the pointer to the original chunk of memory you
> allocated with MemPtrNew (you overwrote its value with the result of
> SysFormPointerArrayToStrings). This is a memory leak because you'll
> never be able to free that pointer.
> You should be doing
>   MemHandle h = SysFormPointerArrayToStrings(gPlateString, 6);
>   gListString = (char**)MemHandleLock(h);
>   ...
>   MemHandleFree(h);
> --
> Dave Carrigan
> Seattle, WA, USA
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] | http://www.rudedog.org/ | ICQ:161669680
> UNIX-Apache-Perl-Linux-Firewalls-LDAP-C-C++-DNS-PalmOS-PostgreSQL-MySQL

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