Though it rarely happens, I disagree (somewhat) with Ben on this one. I think pushbuttons should be used in general, and that we should use the UI guidelines for Palm OS when possible. But an increasing number of apps (like ours) are targeting a user base that is not familiar with Palm OS. In some cases it is more important to align your app to the customers' expectations, not those of current Palm users.

We have a survey app. Many people simply expect radio buttons, and won't accept pushbuttons as an alternative. So I finally gave in and used gadgets to implement this, and that opened me up to a whole new world of Palm UI programming.

Extended gadgets are very easy to use (if you can work with the limitation that users need Palm OS 3.5 or higher). And they give you complete control over both the look and feel of your app. There's a good chunk of code in the Rhodes/McKeehan book, "Palm Programming", which should get you started with gadgets.

Mark Cameron
Techneos Systems

On Fri, 08 Aug 2003 02:14:52 -0700
 Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
At 02:10 AM 8/8/2003, Marianne wrote:

Is there a way to use Radio Button? I found that Push Button is used instead
of Radio Buttons, but I want the actual look and feel of Radio Button..

You can draw your own using gadgets.

Radio buttons are not supported on Palm OS. You should use either push buttons or popup lists. They just aren't space-efficient, and they won't match the rest of the user interface.

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