
I’m trying to display a family of bitmaps for various color depth devices
but I can’t seem to display color.  I can only get grayscale at best.  I am
using the 3.5-en-color ROM, Palm IIIc skin.  In my resource file (PilRC), I
have the following:

BITMAPFAMILY ID BitMapFamilyID “image4.bmp” “image8.bmp” “image16.bmp”

Where the images are  4 bit gray, 8 bit/256 color, and 16 bit color,

When I compile and run the .prc, I get only the images4.bmp to display on
both the color emulator as well as color device.  I’ve tried trouble
shooting by using:

BITMAP ID BitMapID “differentImage8.bmp”

But for some reason, differentImage8.bmp, a 256 color image, is displayed in
black and white as well.  Do I need to do anything with WinScreenMode or
make any other function calls?  I haven’t made any special calls with
regards to the image except for the MemHandleLocks and Unlocks needed to
display the image.

Any insight or comment would be appreciated.  Thank you!!


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