I'm using this function and its is returning -1
so i checked the err param to see what error it was but the error don't mach with any of th ones especified in the reference

if(NetLibSocketBind(libRefnum,DataSock,(NetSocketAddrType*)&A,sizeof(A),timeout,&errP) == -1){
WinDrawChars("Erro SockBind",13,5,135);
if(errP == netErrParamErr) WinDrawChars("SockBind - ParamErr",19,3,125);
if(errP == netErrTimeout) WinDrawChars("SockBind - Timeout",17,3,125);
if(errP == netErrOutOfCmdBlocks) WinDrawChars("SockBind - 3",12,3,125);
if(errP == netErrSocketClosedByRemote) WinDrawChars("SockBind - 4",12,3,125);
if(errP == netErrSocketAlreadyConnected) WinDrawChars("SockBind - 5",12,3,125);
if(errP == netErrSocketNotOpen) WinDrawChars("SockBind - 6",12,3,125);
if(errP == netErrNotOpen) WinDrawChars("SockBind - 7",12,3,125);

it Drwas "Erro SOckBind"
but none of the other ifs are true
what can it be?


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