Hy all!

Supose that I have two forms: FormA and FormB. FormA is my base form, that
have on field control. When I tap on the FormA's field, the the event is
called and, inside it, i call the FrmPopupForm, the will load the FormB. On
formB i've another field, that will have the value changed, and this new
value should be exported to the formA'field. Look the code below...

float GlobalValue  //Global variable that i use to export the FormA's Field
Value to FormB's Field and vice-versa. (FormB's Field Value to FormA's

//Event Function
static Boolean frmPedido03_txtPreco_OnfldEnter(EventPtr event)

   //Here i get the field value, convert it to float, and store in

   GlobalVariable = StringToFloat(...);

   //Now, i Call the FormB with the FrmPopupForm, assuming the the code will
continue ONLY after FrmReturToForm, thing that is not hapenning...


   //The folowing lines should continue only after the FrmReturnToForm(0),
called in the formB, but this is not working.

   //Work wiht the GlobalVariable after work wiht it on the FormB
   //Continue working...


How can i make the FormA function hang until the FormB closes?

Thanks All!

Régis Daniel de Oliveira

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