
I had sent a mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 asking for a clarification on simulator for Zire model Palm device.

But I didn't get this mail like others send. No replies to this mails

Pl. let me know, whether I get the same mail that we send.
If so, Why I didn't get it?
Else we receive only replies if any for the posted problem.


Following is the email I sent earlier.

We have a Zire Model Palm device (OS version 4.1) using for application
development. We are using Code Warrier IDE 4.0 as development tool.

We downloaded Palm OS Emulator version 3.5 (emulator-win.zip) from 
Web site www.palmos.com/dev/tools/emulator/
But ROM file in the device (Zire) was not compatible with emulator
version. But old versions & emulator was working with old device models
like Palm VIIx.

Later, we came to know that we need to use simulator for Zire model. So,
we downloaded Simulator for Palm OS 5. (didn't find the simulator for
Palm OS 4.1)

While creating the prc file, didn't get the simulator for Target
settings pulldown menu. had only Emulator & Palm device. We selected
Palm device.

After uploading the prc file to simulator,
following error is shown when running the appln from simulator.

Datamgr.c line 7068. Record isn't busy.
Along with this message buttons like Reset, Ignore, Debug & Quit are
shown. Also, 3 Radio buttons for Break in Native, Break in 68K & Break
in Native then 68K is shown.

pl. guide, how to solve the above said error.
Is this problem due to -
1. Simulator version for Palm OS 5. ( How to get Simulator foe Palm OS
2. Setting Target for Simulator. ( Should Code Warrior 4.0 be updated to
latest version to achieve this? 


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