Hy all.

I Have two apps (A and B) developed using falch.net, and want to make app A
launch app B and, when app B closes, the focus return to App A, that should
be exactaly how it was before calling the app B. I now that i should use the
SysAppLaunch() function, but, when the app B starts, the emulator return me
the folowing error:

"The App_Name 1.0 just read from memory location 0X8003A04E. This access
usualy means that the application accessed a global variable after PilotMain
was called with a launch code that does not support globals. The last launch
code sent to the application was "sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch"". Doen
anybody know a way to make me solve this? When tha app B is called from the
Aplications Launcher, it works fine.

Here is the code that I'm using to call App B from A:

static SECT1 Boolean frmPrincipal_cmdComunicacao_OnSelect(EventPtr event)

// Insert code for cmdComunicacao
UInt32 rv;
SysAppLaunch (0, DmFindDatabase(0, "SAF_CONN"), 0,
sysAppLaunchCmdNormalLaunch, 0 , &rv);
return true;

Regis Daniel de Oliveira

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