Assuming you have copied the PalmOS SDK into correct directories of CW ( Ben
Combee has a post about how to manually do this. I found it on eScribe but
could not remember exactly the date now ). In my case, after copying those
SDK dirs, I copy the directory Handsrping5 ( from from
Handspring site ) into C:\Program Files\Metrowerks\CodeWarrior\Palm OS

I 've not tried 5-way functions, but other functions like phone, Treo Id
.... work for me.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Geoff Akens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Palm Developer Forum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 14, 2003 4:16 PM
Subject: Problem with CodeWarrior 9.2 and Palm 5.0 SDK R3

> I recently installed the Palm SDK on my system because I wanted to use
> of the new Treo 600 APIs.  I used the Palm_OS_5_SDK_68k_R3.exe installer
> available from the PalmSource website.  When I ran the installer, it said
> couldn't find CodeWarrior on my system, so I had to copy the files into my
> CodeWarrior directories manually.  After doing this, I started added code
> an existing project to make it compatible with the Treo 600 5-Way.
> no matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to compile.  I would get errors
> like "undefined identifier 'frmObjectFocusTakeEvent'.  I opened the
> NavSample.mcp project available from palmOne and it compiled fine even
> though it uses the same event identifiers.  I compared access paths for
> projects and they were identical.  I created a new project and added my
> existing files from the project that wouldn't compile.  After doing this,
> could compile the debug target but no the release target... even though
> access paths were the same.
> Does anyone have any idea what's wrong?  Are there step-by-step
> for installing the SDK over an existing CodeWarrior installation (aside
> those include with the SDK, which seem inacurate)?
> Any help would be very appreciated.
> -- 
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