This is my routine
static void vwClientesDraw(MemHandle recHandle, RectanglePtr bounds,UInt16 puinRowSel,UInt16 puinRecIdSel) {
dCliente oClie;
Char strText[48]="";
Char strText1[48]="";
MemHandle hanRecord;

UnpackCliente(&oClie, MemHandleLock(recHandle));MemHandleUnlock(recHandle);

mid(oClie.nNUMDOC, 1, 8, strText);

WinDrawChars( "hi", 2, 82, 0);
WinDrawChars( strText, StrLen(strText), INICOLXPOS, bounds->topLeft.y);

According to your suggestion I hardcoded a string inside the routine
1. the string "hi" is being painted
2. but the content of strText, is not being painted cos the value of 'bounds->topLeft.y' is a negative value '-19350' (first row), It does not happen without Expanded Mode

The code never crash, just does not show anything

Andrés Ramírez

Ben Combee wrote:
At 01:36 AM 12/18/2003, Andres wrote:

Ben, i updated Cw to 9.2 the problem persist, when i am drawing a table the call to WinDrawChars(Multisegmented App), does not paint anything, by now that's the only problem.

Have you debugged to that line of code and actually looked at what was being passed to WinDrawChars()? If it doesn't paint anything, I think you have an issue with where the string is being stored. However, I don't have any suggestions and ideas why the string wouldn't be available to your program.

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