We have just moved from CW 8 to CW 9.2.

Getting segmentations that work seem more difficult than with CW8.

CW says the app is 139K code + 28K data.  The biggest data module is only 2K
and the biggest code module is 10K -- except for the PalmOS runtime at 13K.

Segmentations that seem like they should work (based on the code/data sizes
shown in the "Segments" view) don't always work. We often get out-of-range
code references even when the segments are about 30K code and 6-8K data.

There doesn't seem to be a way to predict (from the "Segments" view of the
target) whether a segmentation scheme will work or not.

How can we figure out which modules should go into which segments if the
displayed sizes don't tell us anything?

I assume there are some tricks, tools or documentation that we haven't seen
that addresses this?

Eventually, we're going to need to group things for efficiency as well as
"fit" and doing it on a hit-or-miss basis isn't going to be fun.



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