Ken Krugler a Ècrit :

> >When running my program on a OS 3.5 IIIc, the map pan feature based on
>WinCopyRectangle (following stylus moves) often crashes with the
 > >following stack crawl (seen in the CW 8.3 debugger):
 > >
 >MapHandleEvent( EventType* )
 >0x10C55E52( WinCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C4E0D2( BltCopyRectangle )
 >0x10C51E32( PrvMisAlignedBackwardInnerBitBlt¡ )
> >What can I do about this (other than telling my user to ditch his IIIc)?
>I never saw this occur on another device, monochrome or color.

I ran into the same problem with some picture pan code. From an old post...

> At 12:25 PM -0800 2/17/01, Ken Krugler wrote:
 >2. When calling WinCopyRectangle(screen,
 >off-screen) and the off-screen window uses a
 >bitmap without a color table, then Palm OS 3.5
 >will accidentally dispose of the system color
 >table, and a subsequent call will die in Poser.
 >I think this same situation might occur in the
 >inverse case as well.

The full post is at <>

I fixed it in my code by making sure the off-screen bitmap had a color table.

In my case, I'm just moving the screen window onto itself, drawing from screen to screen:

WinCopyRectangle( NULL, NULL, &bounds, newX - screenX, newY - screenY, winPaint );

How could the screen window not have a color table?

It should. But the specific bug was in the low-level blitter code, where it was incorrectly disposing of a color table that it _thought_ it had allocated, but was in fact (in my case) the system color table that's used when the destination bitmap doesn't have a color table.

So there may be other ways in which the same bug could be triggered. However rectangle to rectangle copying from the screen is something that gets used a lot, which makes me suspect something in your code that's trashing memory. Have you been running on POSER with a IIIc debug ROM and all debug checks turned on?

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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