      'appl' databases are Resource databases, so you can't use DmQueryRecord. you 
should use
      You can know if it is a ResDB by calling, DmOpenDatabaseInfo .


Friday, July 30, 2004, 11:11:05 AM, you wrote:

MC> Hi.

MC> I want to transfer files from hhc to pc. I succeeded with 'data'
MC> database type but not with 'appl' type. Can anyone help me? 
MC> I tried in this way:

MC>             MemHandle hRec_file = NULL;
MC>             hRec_file = DmQueryRecord(m_hDb, nIndex);
MC>             MemHandleLock(hRec_file);
MC>             if (hRec_file != NULL)
MC>             {
MC>                     nSize = MemHandleSize(hRec_file);
MC>                     MemHandleUnlock(hRec_file);
MC>             }
MC> But when I call             MemHandleLock(hRec_file);    crashes.

MC> Please help.

MC> Thanks 
MC> Mihai Bogdan Ciornei
MC> www.Transart.ro

MC> --
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