1. I have created a French Overlays from a Base English Prc using the
following command
"PRC2ovl.exe CONFIG.prc -locale frFR -o CONFIG_frFR.prc"

2. After all the changes in french Overlay I have modified the base english
PRC database name from
CONFIG to PDApp. I have used the following command to change the output file
name of french overlay
from CONFIG_frFR.prc to PDApp_frFR.prc.
"Prc2Ovl  CONFIG_frFR.prc -p PDApp.prc -o PDApp_frFR.prc"

The above command only changes the file name and not the database name.

Is there any command to change the french overlay data base name same as
PRC database name without losing the changes done in french overlay?

I don't know of any such command, but it's easy enough to fix up the name of the overlay PRC. Just open it using a binary editor and replace the existing "CONFIG_frFR" with "PDApp_frFR" + a null to keep the name field the same length.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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