
I've found the following codes will cause a 1KB memory leak (Dynamic RAM Heap) on a real Treo 650 device (GSM unlocked version).

The codes simply opens the NetLib, creates a socket, closes the socket and then closes the NetLib. However, every time the codes are run, it reduces the free Dynamic RAM Heap size by around 1KB.

Is it a known problem? Any workaround? Thank you.

    UInt16 libRefNum;
    Err err;                            

        UInt16 netIFErr=0;

        err = SysLibFind("Net.lib", &libRefNum);
        ErrFatalDisplayIf(err != errNone, "Error");
        err = NetLibOpen(libRefNum, &netIFErr);
        ErrFatalDisplayIf(err != errNone, "Error");

NetSocketRef sock=-1;
Err err;
Int16 rc;

sock = NetLibSocketOpen(libRefNum,
netSocketAddrINET, //AF_INET
netSocketTypeStream, //SOCK_STREAM
SysTicksPerSecond() * 5,
ErrFatalDisplayIf(sock == -1, "Error");

rc = NetLibSocketClose(libRefNum, sock, SysTicksPerSecond() * 5, &err);
ErrFatalDisplayIf(rc == -1, "Error");

err = NetLibClose(libRefNum, false);
ErrFatalDisplayIf((err != errNone && err != netErrStillOpen), "Error");


Tony Yat-Tung Cheung wrote:

I am testing my networking application on the Treo 650. I've found that approximately 1KB of heap memory is lost every time my application run once, which includes opening a connection to a server and disconnecting the connection.

The problem only occurs with the Treo 650, I have tested with the T3 and Treo 600 with no such problem. I also tested the application on the Palm Emulator (OS 4.0) with no memory leak detected.

I am also testing it on a real Treo 650 device using GPRS connection. I also found that when I close the GPRS connection, all those lost heap memories (1KB each time) are all recovered.

Does anyone have any idea what might have gone wrong? Is there any thing special with the Treo 650 networking stacks that may introduce memory leaks not possible with other devices?

Thank you very much.

Tony Cheung

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