Hi All, 

My PDA application doesn't work on Palm OS 5. My application basically sends 
commnads through Serial port, receives the response and displays the value to 
the user. 

I noticed that only some commands that is sent out by my application receives 
the response while others not. After extensive debugging, I noticed that when 
the buffer which holds the bytes received from Serial port is big (500 bytes) , 
it doesn't get any response for that command. However , If I make the buffer 
small, I get the response. 

I am still using Old Serial Manager functions (OldSerMgr.h) just to be 
backwards compatible. Could this be causing any problem on Palm OS 5?

or Is there any limitation on the no of bytes received from Serial Port in Palm 
OS 5? or is there anything I am missing here?? 

Thanks in advance. 

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