> > From the commercial point of view (if you are going to sell
> > the app), the OS4 users represent only a negligible fraction of the
> > potential users.
> I'll give out the application for free - but I want to support as large a
user base as possible. I also somehow doubt that the population of OS4 users
is that small. Some anecdotical evidence:

It is a difference if we are talking about existing user base and those who
would eventually buy the application. But if it will be a free app, then you
might be right. (Or I would rather say - I don't know.)
Another point - probability of infecting OS4 machines will certainly be
lower. Simply because of the way these handhelds are being used, weaker
communication capabilities, less space to experiment etc.

In summary, I believe you can afford less safety for OS4 handhelds.

Best regards,
    Jan Slodicka

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