oops... keyUpEvent isn't sent on most devices... Its all keyDownEvents for 
that, but its how you handle the navChangedKeys... You need to handle it on the 
center pressed to center released transition.  One of the macros should do this 

-----Original Message-----

From:  "KMoore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subj:  Re: Another 5-Way Nav Problem :(
Date:  Thu Apr 21, 2005 10:19 pm
Size:  368 bytes
To:  "Palm Developer Forum" <palm-dev-forum@palm.lyris.net>


You explanation seems plausible, however, I cannot get the 
simulator to throw a KeyUpEvent. What is definately true is that
my popups are FrmCustomAlerts and hence I don't appear to have
control over the default button, or do I ?

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