At 01:26 PM 4/22/2005, you wrote:
there seems to be a contradiction in what you're writing. But in
any case, I successfully added to the target the .r file that calls
the .bin file, but CW 9.3 doesn't add the .bin file itself. I'm
using the very .r and .bin files supplied in the 4.2 SDK samples,
unaltered, and I do see them added to the sample project, but not
to mine. Any special setting required to get CW to do this

Look at the .r file. Does it have the appropriate command to read in the .bin file and assign it to a resource? If not, you'll need to do that yourself -- search through for an example.

-- Ben Combee, Senior Software Engineer, palmOne, Inc. "Combee on Palm OS" weblog: Developer Forum Archives:

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