I am developing an application and testing it on the emulator. I am
getting the weird (at least to me) error message "unsupported
international call" when executing:

err =3D TxtConvertEncoding(
              NULL,  // just return the size

Has anybody a clue on what it could be due and how fix it?

What version of the OS are you running with the Emulator? It sounds like something < 4.0.

TxtConvertEncoding was added in Palm OS 4.0. If you use TxtGlueConvertEncoding then you still do conversions on Sony Japanese devices built with Palm OS 3.5, but only between Shift-JIS and UCS-2, not UTF-8.

If you need to run on Latin-based pre-4.0 devices, I'd suggest creating your own hard-coded conversion from CP1252 to UTF-8, which wouldn't be hard. If you also have to work with Japanese & 3.5, then you could use the glue and subsequently convert UCS-2 to UTF-8, which is easy.

-- Ken
Ken Krugler
TransPac Software, Inc.
+1 530-470-9200

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