On 2005-06-18, Robert Rhode <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> We at PalmSource have been following the recent discussions regarding
> the PODS update.  We're aware of a couple of significant bugs,
> and want to communicate to you our position on it before the flames get
> too hot.
> We regret that the update got out the door with any bugs.  However, as
> has been previously noted in the Forum, the update is a
> technology preview, and in order to install it you have to agree to a
> "prototype license agreement" that explains the prerelease nature of the
> software and asks you in good faith to test it and report bugs back to
> PalmSource.  This is the only way we can give you early access to
> improvements in advance of major releases.  In light of this, I think
> it's a bit unfair to blame us for the unfinished quality of the preview.

Just a few remarks. In the Eclipse Manage Configuration dialogs this 
update never showed up in the Technical Preview category, but as a normal 
available update. The info text only said "This replaces the complete
PODS feature" or something similar. I believe you need to change your 
packaging process, so the nature of the update (preview, which 
features/plug-ins have changed, etc.) are directly presented in the 
eclipse update dialogs. Now it was far too obscure and hence the 
confusion. I personally never saw the "prototype license agreement"
but assumed it was the normal PODS license agreement.

I could revert back to the previous resource editor, but lost my Cygwin 
environment variables and mount points in the process (have an own Cygwin 
installation and used Custom install). But I know you are already aware 
of these Cygwin issues.

> The product managers for Palm OS Developer Suite met to discuss the
> resource header bugs in PODS  There was a general sentiment
> that we should recall the update, but I argued in favor of keeping it.
> In addition to various bug fixes, I feel that Constructor-style
> automatic header generation is a sufficiently worthwhile feature that it
> should be available even in its semi-broken state.  I've been clamoring
> for this since last fall, and I'm not about to give it up now that it's
> here.
> It's easy to roll back to an older configuration of PODS if you don't
> like the update.  Here's a KB article that describes how to do it:
> http://kb.palmsource.com/cgi-bin/palmsource.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?
> p_faqid=1047
> For those of us who prefer Constructor-style headers, here's a KB
> article describing how to live with the bugs in the current technology
> preview:
> http://kb.palmsource.com/cgi-bin/palmsource.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?
> p_faqid=1048
> I hope this adequately addresses the issues with the current PODS
> update.
> We're always interested in your constructive feedback and
> recommendations on how to improve our products.  Thank you for your bug
> reports and suggestions; keep them coming!
> Best regards,
> - Sparky

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