From: "Luc Le Blanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> This sometimes occurs with people with addresses ;)
> Regarding the full mailbox problem, shouldn't these messages be sent to
the news
> mailer, not the poster? After all, to the mailer is the message origin
> the post), not to poster.
I asked about this some years ago but the reply was that
it's really out of their control because the mail arrives at
that person's inbox with From=WhoeverPostedTheMessage
so the mail reader does what it's been told and sends a reply
to say that this person is out of the office and can't respond.

I've checked the headers and, as far as my limited knowledge
takes me, all of the other lists I'm on seem to run the same
way.  I think this list has this problem more frequently because
it's huge and has a fair number of subscribers in corporate
environments (where autoresponders are more common).

The only way to change this behaviour would be to alter the
list manager so that messages where sent using a From=trash
so that autoreplies went to a dump address.  But if you do
that then you lose any reader functionality that depends on
getting the author of the message from the From= line.

Chris Tutty

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