During a lengthy drawing operation, I allow the user to abort this drawing tapping on the screen. I detect this action with an occasional check to EvtSysEventAvail( true ). When I detect this, I ask user confirmation with a FrmAlert. Alas, POSE reports 2 memory leaks under OS 3.5 or 4.1. The log indicates this twice (40 and 682 bytes):

29889.839:      Relocatable chunk leaked at 0x000061A6, size = 40
29889.839:      Chunk allocated by:
29889.839:              WinCreateBitmapWindow
29889.839:              WinCreateOffscreenWindow
29889.839:              WinSaveBits
29889.839:              <Unknown @ 0x000652E2>
29889.839:              <Unknown @ 0x000660BA>
29889.839:              PrvSendEventToForm
29889.839:              PrvRedrawDisplay
29889.839:              FrmEraseForm
29889.839:              FrmDoDialog
29889.839:              FrmCustomAlert
29889.839:              FrmAlert
29889.839:              <Unknown @ 0x00060D36>
29889.839:              <Unknown @ 0x0006504E>
29889.839:              <Unknown @ 0x000660BA>
29889.839:              PrvSendEventToForm

Is FrmAlert realy causing these memory leaks? How can I avoid this?

Luc Le Blanc

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