Subject: Re: Linker Error
From: Ben Combee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 03 Dec 2005 12:29:16 -0600

At 08:23 AM 12/3/2005, you wrote:
>I visited a Borland help site, and over the past few days have reached the
>conclusion that some of the Palm OS dlls are using MFC functions.  The dll
>that caused the problem is Sync20.dll, which is pretty central to building
>a conduit. Can anyone help with items 1 or 2 of the suggestions at the
>end?  I've been advised as follows by other Borland users:

Yes, the Conduit DLLs use MFC.  If you need to develop using Borland
products, you should use the COM interface to the CDK and go through COM
classes.  Sorry.

Actually very few critical classes use MFC and an alternative solution is to write a stub DLL in VC that handles those and hides them from Borland.

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc. (

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