There have been other responses as to what that code means precisely, but have you been able to identify if this crash is actually related to your app or not? If you remove your app and do a soft reset (just for clean-up purposes) does the problem go away. If the problem only re-occurs once you install and run your app then you could be corrupting something in your app that doesn't show up right away. Buffer overruns can do this type of thing, as can some system function calls made under specific circumstances. Some of these can be a real bear to find. Bob.

Jan Slodicka wrote:


does anybody have any clue what does it mean the message
Error (Sys 0505) (0, 841) ?

I am getting it randomly on my T5 and I am not even sure whether it is
caused by our SW (could be) or something else.
Happens mostly in the system launcher, but also in another application.
Everything seems to be working afterwards.

I could not find any answer on the web.

Than you,
   Jan Slodicka

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