On Sun, Jan 22, 2006 at 08:23:22PM -0000, J??rgen Sch??nke wrote:
> - I included a graphic button into one of my forms. 
> - The "Bitmap ID" and the "Selected ID" of that button resource are
> set to the corresponding bitmap resources so that the bitmap is shown
> correctly on the button within form editor of the Palm OS Resource Editor
> - I'm sure that the bitmap resources are contained in the compiled
> .prc file (I "decompiled" it using GenerateXRD).
> - However, when I try do debug the program in emulator (using a debug rom),
> I get the error message "Control.c, Line 1790, Can't find bitmap resource"
> and the bitmap won't show.
> Any ideas what the reason might be or what to do to locate it?

Just a guess -- did you create bitmaps for each resolution (density)
and depth that you need when the program runs?  Specifically, check
the "Settings" in the menu of the simulator, under density and
color depth, and make sure they match those of the bitmaps you've
included.  Palm OS will try to create the density and color depth
image it needs from whatever you provide, but I think its ability
may be limited (?).  (Actually, I just now noticed that you did not
say whether you created or imported any bitmaps into the resource editor!)

Also, after making changes in the Resource Editor, and before doing
a build (compile), do a "Refresh" within PODS, to make sure the
resources are rebuilt properly.  (Directions for a refresh: right-click
on the project name in the Navigator pane on the left.)

One more thing: are you sure your error relates to the button you
created, and not some other bitmap?

Jay Ts

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