Hi Doug,

Thanks for the insight.   I managed more or less on my own (and sheer
luck to get something working).

I can now focus a table, set the highlight, move the highlight up and
down (+ left and right on multicolumn tables) and also select a item.

I just wished Palm had released a decent API ... but I guess that would
go against their offical policy of pissing of developers ;-)


> I think that your call to TblSetSelection or TblSelectItem is undoing
the table focus and the halo ring. I fully support the one-handed nav in
my app, which is heavy on tables, but I pretty much had to take over all
of the management of the selected items in the table. Mixing the "old"
table-selection support with the new navigation might be difficult.
> Basically there are two different "modes" of focus when dealing with
tables: making the table itself the selection, and making items within
the table a selection. The built-in apps work pretty much this way. When
moving around the form, the table itself receives focus and the halo is
usually drawn as bars above and below. Then, when the user presses the
Select button, it goes into "item" mode and a particular row or table
cell is highlighted by specifically calling the DrawFocusRing routine.
Usually, doing something like pressing the Left key will take you back
to the full table focus.
> In some other cases, when I get the TakeFocus event for a table, I
just go directly to highlighting the first row, and the user can
navigate from there. But for scrolling tables, you have to have a way
for the user to move the highlight around within the table and still be
able to "escape" from the table and navigate to other controls on the form.
> This is tricky, but it works very nicely when it's finally working
right, and I know that my users have appreciated it.
>   Doug G
> -- 
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