Hello folks,

My application uses a PDB database. The database has the dmHdrAttrBundle 
attribute, so that it can be beamed together with the application. In addition, 
the application itself registers to receive such a database and can send the 
database to another copy of itself on another device.

This works without problems under PalmOS 4.x and 5.x. It causes a crash on 
devices running PalmOS 3.x. Unfortunately, I don't have such a device myself, 
so I can't easily see what exactly is happening.

The documentation says that the dmHdrAttrBundle attribute applies only to 
PalmOS 4.0 and higher. I'm not sure what "applies" means exactly here. OK, 
sure, the Launcher of PalmOS 3.x won't honor this attribute - but can it cause 
it to crash when receiving?

In any case, even if I remove this attribute from the database, the crash still 
occurs. It occurs even if I try to send the database with the application. And, 
no, I am not using any global variables.

Any idea how to find the where the problem is? I don't have a PalmOS 3.x 
device, so I can't debug on the device. The emulator doesn't support infrared 
communication, so I can't start two emulators and have the database beamed from 
one to the other, as I can do with the simulators. I tried using the 
shortcut-dot-t to beam the database from the emulator to itself - but then the 
crash doesn't occur.

Any other ideas?

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