My app now reaches 500Kb. When I try to beam it to old devices with little RAM (like a Palm III), this can become a problem as the OS requires twice the app size (i.e. 1 Mb) in free space because it first keeps it as a temporary file in memory before it actually copies it to a PRC file. My app is thus "unbeamable" to devices with less than 1 Mb of free memory, whether it previously existed on the device or not. This was a problem in a recent caving expedition, away from a PC (I note this problem does not happen when I transfer the file via a HotSync, like when I use PilotInstall.)

Is there a way to force the OS to simply store the IR-received data into a PRC file without first storing it into a temporary file? Does that require that I handle the app beam myself or is there a 3rd party app that supports that?

Luc Le Blanc

Take your PDA where the Sun never shines...
Go map a cave!

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