
Thank you for sharing this useful information with the PalmOS developer 

David Thacker
The Premier RAD Tool for PalmOS & PocketPC

"Lionscribe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
>I was looking all over for an SDK (or API) to launch the wonderful new 
>Google Maps for Palm application (free). It would be great to be able to 
>have your application launch the Google Maps application, and show the map 
>of a particular site.
> Therefore, in the true Palm developer spirit, I decided to hack the Find 
> and Goto launch codes of Google Maps, so that the developer can simulate a 
> goto launch. It wasn't too hard, and following is the code.
> Please note: Since this is undocumented from Google, it might break in 
> future releases. The best thing would be for Google to release a SDK with 
> custom launch codes. Even better would be, if they would register it as a 
> helper application, thus allowing the end-user do decide which map 
> application (if there will be any others) to use. I would suggest in 
> future versions, that the launch-helper notification should a value for 
> the calling application's creatorID and some data, so that the map 
> application could have a "Return to <Application>" button. If you want to 
> keep this thread alive, just add suggestions, maybe they will get back to 
> Google. :-)
> And here is the code:
> #define googleMapCreatorID 'GLM.'
> #define googleMapPreferenceID 1
> #define googleMapPreferenceVersion 1
> typedef enum
> {
> googleMapFindLocation = 0,
> googleMapFindBusiness = 1,
> googleMapDirectionsTo = 2,
> googleMapDirectionsFrom = 3
> }googleMapFindType;
> Boolean LaunchGoogleMap(const Char * findStr, googleMapFindType findType);
> Boolean LaunchGoogleMap(const Char * findStr, googleMapFindType findType)
> {
> UInt16 cardNo;
> LocalID dbID = 0;
> DmSearchStateType stateInfo;
> if (errNone == DmGetNextDatabaseByTypeCreator(true, &stateInfo, 
> sysFileTApplication, googleMapCreatorID, false, &cardNo, &dbID) && dbID)
> {
> GoToParamsType * cmdPBP = (GoToParamsType 
> *)MemPtrNew(sizeof(GoToParamsType));
> MemPtrSetOwner(cmdPBP, 0);
> MemSet(cmdPBP, sizeof(GoToParamsType), 0);
> cmdPBP->recordNum = findType;
> PrefSetAppPreferences(googleMapCreatorID, googleMapPreferenceID, 
> googleMapPreferenceVersion, findStr, StrLen(findStr), false);
> SysUIAppSwitch(cardNo, dbID, sysAppLaunchCmdGoTo, cmdPBP);
> return true;
> }
> return false;
> }

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