At 03:15 AM 12/19/2006, you wrote:
Subject: Treo 680 crashes while receiving phone call
From: "Bill MacAdam" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2006 14:43:54 -0600

We have a user who just purchased the Treo 680.  When he is running our
application and a phone call is received, the phone crashes and he has to
soft reset the device.  This does not happen on the 650.  I would like to
know if anyone has had a similar experience with the 680 and if so, were you
able to resolve it?

The 680 has a brand new phone application, as you might have noticed, so be careful with comparisons with the 650 or the 700p in that regard.

Incoming calls pop-up a window over your application and then force a program switch if you answer the call. Neither of these should cause a reset unless your program doesn't handle those situations elegantly.

Roger Stringer
Marietta Systems, Inc. (

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