I just did my quarterly software update, and with it I built a pan from
git (from git://git.gnome.org/pan2) and I noticed some unfortunate
differences with 0.139 (which I had apparently used before).

The "Save Articles" dialog had a weird focus problem. When I typed a
directory name in the "Location" text field, focus would never come off
it. The cursor would remain the insertion point, and clicking on the
Save button didn't do anything. Some clicks changed the selection of
articles in the article list which was still behind it.

And at some random click it just crashed. When I tried again it sooon
crashed again.

Other noticable changes were that the font looked different and the
status bar at the bottom looked much more "clunky".

So I reverted to 0.139 and the looks were back the way I was used to
from before, and the focus problem was also gone.

Now in my software updates I updated just about everything. I use NetBSD
with pkgsrc (meaning I compile everything from source). So some problems
may be in gtk2 (I'm not a big fan of its complexity...) but the version
of Pan certainly makes a difference.

Some build info:

Built using:

Oh, and another thing that is unrelated to this since it exists for a
while (i.e. in 0.139): saved articles don't get marked as read any more.
And sometimes Pan suddenly forgets a group's settings.

Any ideas on either of those?

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert  -- The Doctor: No, 'eureka' is Greek for
\X/ rhialto/at/xs4all.nl    -- 'this bath is too hot.'

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