On Monday, 22 January 2024 07:59:26 CET Emil Tomczyk wrote:
> Hey,
> I was curious, why pan is moving to CMake?

The main reasons are:
- autotools is really not easy to maintain
- using ccls (C++ language server) with Pan code is not easy.

Working with ccls requires a .ccls or a compile_commands.json which contains 
build information so that ccls can understand the code. 

This file is straightforward to generate with cmake, but not with autotools.

> I can understand why it's moving from autotools, but why to CMake
> and not e.g. waf or meson or anything else?

Actually, I was not aware of these alternatives :o)

> Also, would autoconf be dropped altogether or will it be
> further available?

Hopefully, I will be able to drop autoconf.

All the best.

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