
This working group has produced its main deliverables which are now all RFCs. I'm trying to figure out what to do with the working group now.

I think it is time to close the group, and consider our job done. However, there were a few documents in the process. I am happy to take all documents as AD sponsored submissions to RFC, as long as someone has done the legwork to complete them. In particular, here's what I would propose:

1) Draft-ohba-pana-pemk. I think this is important should go out as PS. I have reviewed this and from my perspective this is done. I only had one minor comment and one pending question. See a separate e-mail about that.

2) Draft-ietf-pana-preauth. I have reviewed this one as well, and with small modifications this can go forward. However, I believe the right classification for this draft is Experimental.

These documents are now in my publication queue. For the other documents, I'd be glad to take them forward but first there needs to be revisions, an interested author, etc.

Thoughts, comments? Please send your comments this week, so that I can take the necessary actions before the IETF.


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